If a person smells your scent everyday. Does that subconsciously attract them more?

If a person smells your scent everyday. Does that subconsciously attract them more?Because im secretly trying to get my scent to attract a certain gir

If a person smells your scent everyday. Does that subconsciously attract them more?
Because im secretly trying to get my scent to attract a certain girl but I dont know if this is even going to work.

or:If a person smells your scent everyday. Does that subconsciously attract them more?Because im secretly trying to get my scent to attract a certain girl but I dont know if this is even going to work.

or:you might be attracting her does it seem like it you might try and see if you can figure out her favorite scent this might attract her more just depends on what it is are you use to wearing so you have a idea what she may be smelling and what she is attracted to women like nice scents they are what you normally would wear then you would have a idea if its working or not
