Hey guys I've been searching for this short film thing for FOREVER and I would really love ur help?

... There is this short was the beginning to a kids film maybe even Wallace and gromiit but the general plot was that its was a theater that had this


There is this short was the beginning to a kids film maybe even Wallace and gromiit but the general plot was that it's was a theater that had this obscure black pit under the stage and the 2 main characters feel in love with one of the girls in the theater the one character became jelous of the other and pushed the one in the pit under the stage it was super disturbing and that's all I remember PLS HELP ITS REALLY BUGS ME '!!!'

or:... There is this short was the beginning to a kids film maybe even Wallace and gromiit but the general plot was that it's was a theater that had this obscure black pit under the stage and the 2 main characters feel in love with one of the girls in the theater the one character became jelous of the other and pushed the one in the pit under the stage it was super disturbing and that's all I remember PLS HELP ITS REALLY BUGS ME '!!!'

or:consult you tube.
