What is the better phone the iPhone 4S or the iPhone 5?

I use my iPhone 3GS and I play apps that usually require Internet and use a lot of power I am getting a new phone for Christmas and it is going to be

I use my iPhone 3GS and I play apps that usually require Internet and use a lot of power I am getting a new phone for Christmas and it is going to be ether the iPhone 4S or the iPhone 5 we can get the iPhone 4S for $350 and the iPhone 5 for $400 but I wanted to know what the issues or for the iPhone 5 they say the iPhone 5 has a worse battery than the iPhone 4S it this true and which one is better for a hard core gamer that plays Xbox and his iPhone a lot.

or:I use my iPhone 3GS and I play apps that usually require Internet and use a lot of power I am getting a new phone for Christmas and it is going to be ether the iPhone 4S or the iPhone 5 we can get the iPhone 4S for $350 and the iPhone 5 for $400 but I wanted to know what the issues or for the iPhone 5 they say the iPhone 5 has a worse battery than the iPhone 4S it this true and which one is better for a hard core gamer that plays Xbox and his iPhone a lot.

or:First & foremost I would like to let you know that iPhone 5 is the best phone in today's market & it was just a rumor that iPhone 5 has worse battery. Don't bother about people & go for iPhone 5.

or:The iPhone 5 cause it's been made the latest

or:iPhone 5. But nowadays I would say iPhone 6 because if you drop this iPhone it is bendy so it won't break on you. It also has a AMAZING camera. It's the latest on the market. Though you will really have to save up because it's $1000.
