What to do when there is nothing in your life?

All I have is church and bible study. I enjoy spending time with my friends but for the rest of the week I literally have nothing to wake up to. those

All I have is church and bible study. I enjoy spending time with my friends but for the rest of the week I literally have nothing to wake up to. those are the only things keeping me sane. I have no work history and no reliable transportation, no skills etc. I cannot even join the military because I was born with a heart condition. I also live in Reno, which happens to be one of the worst places to live in the US in terms of trying to find a job. I can't move right now so that's out of the question.

I know this sounds dramatic but I often fantasize about leaving on a boat or an airship. it's literally that bad for me at the moment.

or:All I have is church and bible study. I enjoy spending time with my friends but for the rest of the week I literally have nothing to wake up to. those are the only things keeping me sane. I have no work history and no reliable transportation, no skills etc. I cannot even join the military because I was born with a heart condition. I also live in Reno, which happens to be one of the worst places to live in the US in terms of trying to find a job. I can't move right now so that's out of the question.I know this sounds dramatic but I often fantasize about leaving on a boat or an airship. it's literally that bad for me at the moment.

or:Well for one stop being such a bum and realize that your special. Your different from others. Just stay close to the Holy Ghost and ask. Him what to do and stay in church.

or:you should get involved with church groups or teen clubs some type of groups to get involved in churches has a lot of things you can get involved in just the things that make a difference and work you can just explain that you don't have a work history but your willing to learn

or:Follow your value system. Our existence and our mental universe are driven by factors that we as individuals inherit through the gene pool, as enhanced by our experiences in life.In short we are most at peace when we are in sync with the personal value system that has evolved as a result of the above factors and when we are permitted to pursue our values in our personal and professional endeavors.If we cannot achieve that harmony we will seek change.Look closely at what you value most; family, nature, knowledge, the unknown, music, the arts, - all examples. Then learn enough about one to make it become a passion.
