I am 20 years old and I weigh 96 pounds, is that a good weight for my age? I certainly eat a lot?

or:I am 20 years old and I weigh 96 pounds, is that a good weight for my age? I certainly eat a lot?or:To check this you could look up how to calcula

or:I am 20 years old and I weigh 96 pounds, is that a good weight for my age? I certainly eat a lot?

or:To check this you could look up how to calculate your BMI online and check with a chart for your age range or probably talk to a doctor. Eating a lot also doesn\u2019t always affect your weight, because I eat a lot of unhealthy snacks and things and I\u2019m only 90 lbs (granted I am still a teenager), other than that I honestly don\u2019t know.

or:Your age has nothing to do with your weight. It's your height that matters and unless you have a small frame and are 5 feet tall you are probably underweight or anorexic.

or:Because you eat a lot that could speed up your metabolism. Eating more speeds up metabolism, and eating less slows it down. This also depends on your height and genetics as well, but it seems that you\u2019ve ate so much and your diet gradually grew that your body has become used to the food you consume and started digesting at a quicker pace. If your BMI is lower than it should be and your worried/doctor is worried that\u2019s when you can change your diet to foods with higher carbs and protein, but it\u2019s really only necessary if this is truly unhealthy. The description you gave itself does not seem unhealthy at all.

or:www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=growth+chart+female,9yr,4%276%27%27,105+lbs&lk=6&ab=cType in your details and see what you see.
