What to do when your sales manager is not motivated to make sales and is only making you lose sales

My sales manager has been extremely negative this month , resulting in me losing sales which directly affects my pay. On top off his negativity I have

My sales manager has been extremely negative this month , resulting in me losing sales which directly affects my pay. On top off his negativity I have to deal with him paying more attention to his spades game on his cell phone instead of our teams performance. It's very hard for me to even respect this type of behavior.

or:My sales manager has been extremely negative this month , resulting in me losing sales which directly affects my pay. On top off his negativity I have to deal with him paying more attention to his spades game on his cell phone instead of our teams performance. It's very hard for me to even respect this type of behavior.

or:Sales Training Programs are the most effective program for the transfer of selling skills into real world application.One should follow these tips to get motivation to your work.Get Serious Get Around The Right People Practice Positive Self-Talk and Take Positive Action Toward Your Goals.
