Do you have any interesing habits or traditions?

or:Do you have any interesing habits or traditions?or:I don't know if they're interesting or not but I have a few things that have become a tradition

or:Do you have any interesing habits or traditions?

or:I don't know if they're interesting or not but I have a few things that have become a tradition and one that is a lifelong tradition. A good friend at school committed suicide aged 14. On the evening of every anniversary of his death, I go back to the place it happened, back to my home town, back to the exact spot, and I spend some time thinking about him and how things are, how they were, how they might have been. I think about my life and his life and more often than not I cry. I don't believe in a soul or a spirit or an afterlife but I do believe in honouring someone, in taking time out and devoting it to them.The other thing that comes to mind is my stone collection. When I was a kid, my family and I travelled the country. I built up a collection of interesting looking stones and, for each one, I took a photograph of it before I touched it. I planned to borrow them, not collect them. When I think I don't have long left to live, either through old age or illness, I'll make the journey back to where I got each of them and I'll put it back where I found it. I'll finish by going to the spot in the forest where my childhood pet died, while we were on holiday. Approaching the end of my life, I'll say one last goodbye to her, in the place hers ended.
