Is morality possible to achieve without having a religion ?

or:Is morality possible to achieve without having a religion ?or:Morality has no connection to religion. When two or more people live in the same are

or:Is morality possible to achieve without having a religion ?

or:Morality has no connection to religion. When two or more people live in the same area they have to adopt some rules about who does what to whom. Any such rule is called a mor\u00e9, pronounced \"mor-ay\". The adjective form is moral, and the habit of following mor\u00e9s is morality. Mor\u00e9s do not have to be right, only accepted. Another group on the other side of the river might have very different mor\u00e9s.

or:\u201cSOCIETY needs a framework of basic values that gives its members security and guidance.\u201d So commented an experienced German writer and television broadcaster. Surely that makes sense. In order for human society to be stable and prosperous, the people must have a bedrock of commonly accepted standards that identify what is right or wrong, good or bad. The question is: What standards are the best, both for society and for its members?If the moral values in the Bible are the standards adopted, they should help individuals to lead stable, happy lives. That, by extension, would make a society of people who observe those values happier and more stable. Is that the case? Let us examine what the Bible has to say on two important issues: faithfulness in marriage and honesty in everyday life.

or:Morality normally grows from a religion. But there are some chances that a person who is not religious, a person who is spiritual, who doesn't follow an organized religion can still live a moral life, good virtues and good values. But normally, religion helps us to build a foundation of a moral life. We cannot make any hard and fast rules on this. So therefore, morality is possible without a religion, but if one is an atheist, an agnostic, chances are there will be no morality, there is no need for morality because there is no belief in an afterlife. Therefore, we must believe that death is not the end, there is a life after and this will inspire us to live a moral life.
