Apple Watch 3 or 2?

I’m really stuck between the two. Any suggestions? I wanted the 3 mainly for the fast speed connectivity, speaking Siri and fast app opening. I

I’m really stuck between the two. Any suggestions? I wanted the 3 mainly for the fast speed connectivity, speaking Siri and fast app opening. I didn’t want the 3 for the cellular. But I’ve heard the 2 is basically the 3 and it’s cheaper. Any suggestions on how to pick one or which one is a better deal for my needs?

or:I\u2019m really stuck between the two. Any suggestions? I wanted the 3 mainly for the fast speed connectivity, speaking Siri and fast app opening. I didn\u2019t want the 3 for the cellular. But I\u2019ve heard the 2 is basically the 3 and it\u2019s cheaper. Any suggestions on how to pick one or which one is a better deal for my needs?
