Do wireless hard disk uses data during backup?

I have a 2T Seagate hard disk and I would like to connect it with the router for wireless backup. However, Im not so sure about whether this may use u

I have a 2T Seagate hard disk and I would like to connect it with the router for wireless backup. However, I'm not so sure about whether this may use up the internet data. For example, I have about 500G of files need to backup, but my internet plan is 200G. If wireless backup takes internet data, I'll probably use the tradition way. Thanks.

or:I have a 2T Seagate hard disk and I would like to connect it with the router for wireless backup. However, I'm not so sure about whether this may use up the internet data. For example, I have about 500G of files need to backup, but my internet plan is 200G. If wireless backup takes internet data, I'll probably use the tradition way. Thanks.
