Modded MineCraft server that Im hosting Lan?

Ok So im hosting a server on my main pc(my better one) and playing on my other pc im not using internet to play but its still way too lagy can some on

Ok So im hosting a server on my main pc(my better one) and playing on my other pc im not using internet to play but its still way too lagy can some one help me im using the forge server install thing with a bat(that says Java -Xmx3G -Xms3G -jar forge-1.7.10- then i have pause so i can see what causes crashes)But the server and my game lag im getting less then 10 fps when i at least want 15 fps with no drop.

or:Ok So im hosting a server on my main pc(my better one) and playing on my other pc im not using internet to play but its still way too lagy can some one help me im using the forge server install thing with a bat(that says Java -Xmx3G -Xms3G -jar forge-1.7.10- then i have pause so i can see what causes crashes)But the server and my game lag im getting less then 10 fps when i at least want 15 fps with no drop.
