A cut in the crease of leg and vagina?

i have a cut in the crease between the leg and the vagina, it has a sting to it and it hurts to touch it. on the right side it turned purple and is bl

i have a cut in the crease between the leg and the vagina, it has a sting to it and it hurts to touch it. on the right side it turned purple and is bleeding, and on the left i put pressure and a solid white thing came out.. i don't know what to do? Do you know what it is?

or:i have a cut in the crease between the leg and the vagina, it has a sting to it and it hurts to touch it. on the right side it turned purple and is bleeding, and on the left i put pressure and a solid white thing came out.. i don't know what to do? Do you know what it is?

or:I don't know what this white thing is about but if your worried you should tell your parents.tell them you have a cut on your leg ,not where your leg meets the vagina because if you say it's near you're vagina it will be an awkward conversation. Their your parents they sa you when you were born, they can see the cut
