If you're bullied or harassed how to overcome?

If its past then its easy what if its present continuous ?Ure living with people everyday who harass u?And it really influences your normal life? or:I

If it's past then it's easy what if it's present continuous ?U're living with people everyday who harass u?And it really influences your normal life?

or:If it's past then it's easy what if it's present continuous ?U're living with people everyday who harass u?And it really influences your normal life\uff1f

or:Well first you have to figure out why their doing it most bully because their trying to look big in front of their friends thats normally the reason mabe its something you can ignore. If not mabe you should say something to somebody do you have friends that watch this happen?You have to take a stand on those issues and say i'm not putting up with this anymore.
