I need a soccer ballad?

It needs dialogue and a moral message. or:It needs dialogue and a moral message.or:The ballaad of JesusJesus was poor, although lack of moneumoney mad

It needs dialogue and a moral message.

or:It needs dialogue and a moral message.

or:The ballaad of JesusJesus was poor, although lack of moneumoney made up for it with football. He was a crafter of soRts, conjuring up plays before the hail marry existed. O e day Jesus's essays headed to the bareo for some entertainment. The local hoochies were all over him. BUT Jesus sppke. \"Have not the lust senioritas: I may not please you now for I am all powerful sith the foot balls, and must remain pure for the game tomorrow\"The following day Jesus, his essays Mark, Peter, Jebediah, Kayne West, Al Gore and Billy Mays schooled the vatos on the field.thus creatingThe Ballad of Jesus
