If I upgrade from 32bit to 64bit on my laptop, will I lose Microsoft Word, PowerPoint etc.? Thanks!?

Im planning on changing my 32bit laptop to 64bit. I know it has the capabilities to do so. However, I am not sure whether by doing the upgrade (on Win

I'm planning on changing my 32bit laptop to 64bit. I know it has the capabilities to do so. However, I am not sure whether by doing the upgrade (on Windows 10), that I will end up losing Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint, etc. I would rather keep these. Thanks for any answers/help!

or:I'm planning on changing my 32bit laptop to 64bit. I know it has the capabilities to do so. However, I am not sure whether by doing the upgrade (on Windows 10), that I will end up losing Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint, etc. I would rather keep these. Thanks for any answers/help!

or:yes, you have to reinstall everything
