How long does it take to adjust to new contact lenses?

How long does it take to get used to a new set of contract lenses? Ive worn contacts for 2 years and just got a new prescription. I have a slight stig

How long does it take to get used to a new set of contract lenses? I've worn contacts for 2 years and just got a new prescription. I have a slight stigmatatizm in both eyes. With them I can see great at a distance but can see my computer screen well without readers. The topic said my eyes will adjust. WHEN?? (granted it's only been 2 days). Also, should I wear the treats when at the computer or try to "force" my eyes to read the screen till they adjust?

or:How long does it take to get used to a new set of contract lenses? I've worn contacts for 2 years and just got a new prescription. I have a slight stigmatatizm in both eyes. With them I can see great at a distance but can see my computer screen well without readers. The topic said my eyes will adjust. WHEN?? (granted it's only been 2 days). Also, should I wear the treats when at the computer or try to \"force\" my eyes to read the screen till they adjust?

or:i had this with mine it be about 2-3 days dont wear to much tho as it wear your eyes out i would also have break and wear glasses if you have any. if they give you any pain after i would go back and say
