I am a believer in God, but I have a hard time understanding how he has "always just been there"?

I just have trouble understanding this. For example, how has nothing ever been something from the beginning. or:I just have trouble understanding this

I just have trouble understanding this. For example, how has nothing ever been something from the beginning.

or:I just have trouble understanding this. For example, how has nothing ever been something from the beginning.

or:2 Peter 1:3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:Apparently that question does not pertain unto life and godliness. If the bible doesn't explain it, nobody knows.

or:That is a question hard to comprehend, because everything we know has a beginning It is hard to comprehend the heat of the sun, be it is something we accept. It is something hard to comprehend because we think and understand on a human level, much lower than God's. But he says he has always existed...that is deepIf you would like more answers to any other questions you may have. Please go to jw.org type in your question in the search box and get answers to your questions based on the what the bible says.
