What is the defination of osi model?

or:What is the defination of osi model?or:The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model was created by the ISO to help standardize communication betwe

or:What is the defination of osi model?

or:The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model was created by the ISO to help standardize communication between computer systems. It divides communications into seven different layers, which each include multiple hardware standards, protocols or, other types of services.

or:OSI means Open System Interconnection. OSI model utilized to explain network and network application. The OSI model has a seven layers. Which is mentioned below.\u2022\tApplication\u2022\tPresentation\u2022\tSession\u2022\tTransport\u2022\tNetwork\u2022\tData Link\u2022\tPhysical
