Me and a friend have just set up a electrical ltd company we both use our homes as offices can we?

Me and a friend have just set up a electrical ltd company we both use our homes as offices can we both claim for a %of our rent and bills against tax

Me and a friend have just set up a electrical ltd company we both use our homes as offices can we both claim for a %of our rent and bills against tax

or:Me and a friend have just set up a electrical ltd company we both use our homes as offices can we both claim for a %of our rent and bills against tax

or:Yes you can if you actually have a home office. That doesn't mean you use your laptop and move around from bedroom to living room. It has to be very specific work space printer files whatever it takes to make up an office. I would recommend you talk to a tax man next year or even now in case you need to create work space.
