Where can I buy a big Remote Control Truck that connects to a Smartphone?

Im looking for Big Remote Control Truck with Headlights, rear lights & blinkers. Im not looking for a monster truck or anything like that just a plan

I'm looking for Big Remote Control Truck with Headlights, rear lights & blinkers. Im not looking for a monster truck or anything like that just a plan big truck like the new 2015 GMC Truck but in whatever brand. And if there are any that could hook up to a smartphone that would be awesome! (Not an actual Driving Truck. A Toy Truck lol)

or:I'm looking for Big Remote Control Truck with Headlights, rear lights & blinkers. Im not looking for a monster truck or anything like that just a plan big truck like the new 2015 GMC Truck but in whatever brand. And if there are any that could hook up to a smartphone that would be awesome! (Not an actual Driving Truck. A Toy Truck lol)

or:I would try Best Buy first. They usually get a lot of Tech-Savvy toys like that in for the holidays. If not there, try a larger RadioShack store maybe. You're best bet is most likely going to be a place like Amazon where you can get it online. I personally prefer stores since you can actually look at it and ask questions about the product or return it easier if something goes wrong. Oh and also, check the Best Buy website. Usually they can have it shipped to a store if it's on their website and you can pay for it there rather than online if that's what you prefer. Good Luck!
