Canon Cameras?

I currently have a Canon t5. It is more of a beginners camera and i have become a more advanced photographer and want to buy a better camera. I want a

I currently have a Canon t5. It is more of a beginners camera and i have become a more advanced photographer and want to buy a better camera. I want a canon camera and want to buy a used camera. I have looked at The canon 7D mark 2 and the 80D. Should i buy one of those cameras or a different one ? Keep in mind i don't want to spend too much.

or:I currently have a Canon t5. It is more of a beginners camera and i have become a more advanced photographer and want to buy a better camera. I want a canon camera and want to buy a used camera. I have looked at The canon 7D mark 2 and the 80D. Should i buy one of those cameras or a different one ? Keep in mind i don't want to spend too much. is the site that convinced me to get a Kodak DX 7400. I have less than 200 bux in the entire system and I am very pleased with it.

or:As you may know, cameras aren't ever cheap. Neither are the lenses. I do some work within the fashion industry. I do photography, modeling, designing, blogging and all the things you can possibly think of that consist within that range. The camera that I use now is cannon EOS rebel T5 with lenses of 18-55mm. I done my work on it and research of the camera before i brought it. It's relationship is as of the T5i. My camera works absolutely great for the work that I'm pursuing in. If you want to check out my work by all means go ahead. My Instagram page is @voncefashion as well as my twitter if you want to follow me on that as well! If you were looking to purchase the camera here's the link I found at some sites that can help you with finding it used and at a fair pricing. Also let me know if you need help on more camera use. I have another camera I would like to share with you that works out great. {\tf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252{\\fonttbl\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 .HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular;}{\\colortbl;\ed255\\green255\\blue255;\ed17\\green17\\blue17;\ed248\\green248\\blue248;}\\deftab720\\pard\\pardeftab720\\sl380\\partightenfactor0\\f0\\fs26 \\cf2 \\cb3 \\expnd0\\expndtw0\\kerning0\\outl0\\strokewidth0 \\strokec2 \\ }
