Guy who I hardly know likes me and I like him?

So i asked my friend if anyone liked me, and she told me that this really cute guy liked me. So i began paying more attention to him as i passed him i

So i asked my friend if anyone liked me, and she told me that this really cute guy liked me. So i began paying more attention to him as i passed him in the hallways, and i fell in love with him.
And i kept getting a lot of information from my friend. Like he plays basketball, he thinks im beautiful, and he really wants to make a lifelong commitment to me.
But after a short time, i began getting skeptical. Why didn't he just talk to me? We have no classes together (except lunch) and i have major trust issues.

Then, a few days ago, my friend gave me a duct tape bracelet that supposedly was from him. as usual, i was a little unsure. But i smelled it, knowing that it wouldnt smell like my best friend if it was from my admirer.
It smelled like cologne. So now that i know that my best friend was honest the entire time, usually i would ask what to do next. But then there's the catch.

The end of the school quarter is this friday. i have a D+ in science. Because our teacher just expects us to do experimental labs and know what to do, everybody is failing, and my grade is one of the highest grades.My mom told me that if i cant get it to a C- by Friday, she's pulling me from public school and sticking me back in private school, which is where i've been the last 3 years.

How am i supposes to make my grade up to a C-, frantically worry about staying in this school, get my extra credit assignment turned in (which is the only thing that can help me right now), wonder how im going to make this work with the guy i like, and still be in one piece?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

or:So i asked my friend if anyone liked me, and she told me that this really cute guy liked me. So i began paying more attention to him as i passed him in the hallways, and i fell in love with him. And i kept getting a lot of information from my friend. Like he plays basketball, he thinks im beautiful, and he really wants to make a lifelong commitment to me.But after a short time, i began getting skeptical. Why didn't he just talk to me? We have no classes together (except lunch) and i have major trust issues.Then, a few days ago, my friend gave me a duct tape bracelet that supposedly was from him. as usual, i was a little unsure. But i smelled it, knowing that it wouldnt smell like my best friend if it was from my admirer.It smelled like cologne. So now that i know that my best friend was honest the entire time, usually i would ask what to do next. But then there's the catch.The end of the school quarter is this friday. i have a D+ in science. Because our teacher just expects us to do experimental labs and know what to do, everybody is failing, and my grade is one of the highest grades.My mom told me that if i cant get it to a C- by Friday, she's pulling me from public school and sticking me back in private school, which is where i've been the last 3 years.How am i supposes to make my grade up to a C-, frantically worry about staying in this school, get my extra credit assignment turned in (which is the only thing that can help me right now), wonder how im going to make this work with the guy i like, and still be in one piece?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

or:well as hard as it may be for a while... its best to just push the thoughts of this guy to the back of your head for a while... you gotta concentrate on getting that C- . just pull out all and every resource you have on the topics to make ur grade go up. If you dnt get it up and end up moving back to private school, your never gonna be able to see this guy ever again anyway. there are some exceptions though, a healthy balance of occupying ur thoughts of ur grades and this guy arnt relatively bad either. as long as ur not obsessing one over the other.and to the guy side of your trouble.... im definitely no expert in this myself.. but from the advice i get from my friendzoned guys are that if he has made effort to get noticed by you, you should return the favour, not in a full blast of HEY HERE I AM RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE .. but a more subtle approach. seeing as your friend is the mutual mate of this guy and you, try planning a day where you guys could hang out even if its for 5minutes the first time. or perhaps just get ur friend to ask him a school-related question in the corridors whilst your next to her, that way maybe u can start an intial conversation and even get a few hints of his real feelings towards u ( STARING AT YOU :D )and the whole \"life commitment\" thing.. men dont think that ahead into the future like us girls do, maybe ur friend was slightly over exaggerating that part, just healthy encouragement from her to persuade you to make a move towards this guy to show ur interested. and if it turns out she was lying or he was just messing with you, its for the best that u got it out the way straight away so u can focus on more important things... like ur grades and staying in that school and knowing who your true friends are.

or:I would ask for all the extra credit assignments that you need to do to make the grade c your gonna have to do this assignment in order to stay in the school you'll have to think quick
