Red Blemish?

So, umm there is this huge red blemish between my nose and my cheek, and it doesnt seem to be a pimple. Tried popping it and nothing seems to come out

So, umm there is this huge red blemish between my nose and my cheek, and it doesnt seem to be a pimple. Tried popping it and nothing seems to come out. IF i try to do anything with it just turns even redder. Please help, any info on it would be nice

or:So, umm there is this huge red blemish between my nose and my cheek, and it doesnt seem to be a pimple. Tried popping it and nothing seems to come out. IF i try to do anything with it just turns even redder. Please help, any info on it would be nice

or:Not all pimples can pop, and unless your using a skin tool popping pimples can actually make it worse. Try putting some 2% salycillic acid on it or 10% benzoil peroxide, you can get creams for those from somewhere like Walmart, and they should help it fade (do know it might temporarily get worse, it's just drawing up out the skin and killing the bacteria) but both of those work for mild to moderate acne.
