Google - Hi, I put two boiled egg in a small container and soaked them in hot water to warm them?

... up for about 45 min. After eating the eggs, I realized the containers shape has been distorted due to the hot water. The container is not microwa

... up for about 45 min. After eating the eggs, I realized the container's shape has been distorted due to the hot water. The container is not microwave safe, I am wondering if there is any concerns with eating the egg that might have been contaminated by the melted plastic particle in the water? (the eggs were dripping with water when I had them)

or:... up for about 45 min. After eating the eggs, I realized the container's shape has been distorted due to the hot water. The container is not microwave safe, I am wondering if there is any concerns with eating the egg that might have been contaminated by the melted plastic particle in the water? (the eggs were dripping with water when I had them)

or:The water got inside the egg shell some how well so it doesn't happen agian this being thus far you didn't get sick. Right your doing okay your not having any signs or allergic reaction you have nothing to worry about.

or:Some plastic has plasticiser chemicals that make the plastic flexible. They stink like the air from a tire. It is usually butylene and has a strong rubber smell. If the dish doesn't stink it's not going to make you sick. But you really ought to pay more attention. There is no reason to heat an egg to a temperature that melts plastic. Warm water from the faucet is hot enough, and it only takes a couple of minutes to warm an egg.
