My whole life I been depressed what can I do?

When i was littler, i remember i was never happy, i been through alot now am 28 marry with kids and I thought that was gonna change my life and be hap

When i was littler, i remember i was never happy, i been through alot now am 28 marry with kids and I thought that was gonna change my life and be happy. No, i feel like i get worse every day, i want to kill myself but am affraid, i cant do it no more. Idk what to do. Am sick of my life.

or:When i was littler, i remember i was never happy, i been through alot now am 28 marry with kids and I thought that was gonna change my life and be happy. No, i feel like i get worse every day, i want to kill myself but am affraid, i cant do it no more. Idk what to do. Am sick of my life.

or:Every organization and individual needs to actively work on achieving their goals in order to be successful and productive. The Dharma Life Programs are designed to help employees and eventually the organizations that they work for. They are based on how genes, environment, and mind impact personality traits and are designed to help balance traits. The Dharma Life Programs recommends five types of habits: physical actions, dietary actions, brain actions, mind actions, and real world actions. Physical and dietary actions change the hormones / neurotransmitters for that trait, brain actions rewire the brain to react in a desired manner, mind actions create the understanding to change our behavior and real world actions help incorporate the new behaviors in our lives

or:Alright, I am young (16) and I have mild depression, terrible anxiety. I am never happy only in one occasion. You have to find that one occasion so to speak. Mine was when my cousin i haven't seen in 14 years came and we met eachother yet again. Long story short we connected like brother and sister I had the best time of my life when she was here. My brain stopped ( no acutally, but I have thoughts 24/7 bad mostly). It stopped i don't know it was special for those 5 days we spent with eachother. I've tried many things trust me... I've tried taking walks, hanging out with friends at the mall, movies, lunch/dinner, park, playing video games, talking about it, EVERYTHING. Medications I've been on 6 none of them worked like at all. I am going to see her in 2 months and I am excite, but I worry about her most the time lets just sum it up to that. And she is miles and miles away and i can't change the outcome of anything in her life. So find that ONE thing. Find that ONE person. FIND that one thing you love and it might take along time, but don't give up. I have faith in you.

or:We are sick of our life and we are depressed because we are being taught fairy tales, and we have lived our lives believing in the myth. We think we are our name, but it's only an identity. We think we are this body and mind which we are not. The moment we realize we are the Divine Soul, we will be transported to a life of bliss, peace and happiness. Stop living a depressed life, start a new journey today, ask yourself the question - who am I, this body was a small baby; today, it is big, tomorrow it will die. What happens at death, where will I go? When you ask questions and you go in quest of the truth, you attain what is called self-realization and God-realization. There is no scope for depression, there is no scope for misery, the realized Soul is the happiest person in the world. It is possible for you to get there. Start your quest, your journey of realization today.
