Why did my blood clot fall out of tooth site 2 days after wisdom tooth extraction?

or:Why did my blood clot fall out of tooth site 2 days after wisdom tooth extraction?or:It is not clear what you are trying to ask.~ Why you had a cl

or:Why did my blood clot fall out of tooth site 2 days after wisdom tooth extraction?

or:It is not clear what you are trying to ask.~ Why you had a clot.~ Why it fell out.~ Why it was in tooth site.~ Why it took two days.~ Why after wisdom tooth extraction.What did you think was going to happen?

or:The blood clot is supposed to disintegrate after a couple of days following tooth extraction. And sometimes it can fall out in a piece at a time. So it\u2019s completely normal and you should be fine, as long as there is no bleeding from that area. Just try to avoid eating on that side of the mouth for a couple of days.
