Siberian Husky temper with kids. adopted 2 & are 8 weeks showing aggression. HELP!?

Should I find an obedience trainer? How do I make 100% sure that the pups do not become aggressive dogs and dominate my children and potentially be d

Should I find an obedience trainer? How do I make 100% sure that the pups do not become aggressive dogs and dominate my children and potentially be dangerous?

or:Should I find an obedience trainer? How do I make 100% sure that the pups do not become aggressive dogs and dominate my children and potentially be dangerous?

or:i would take them back unless you have money to put out for obediance training this can be spendy but if you really love your doggie it might be the thing to do they are really work with your dogs and your family members who really need for their dogs temperment so you really need to figure out weather they benefit from that type of enviroment
