How does the detail of Jesus tomb fulfill scriptures?

or:How does the detail of Jesus tomb fulfill scriptures?or:It is not reliable to let people tell you what the bible says. Many people will make up st

or:How does the detail of Jesus tomb fulfill scriptures?

or:It is not reliable to let people tell you what the bible says. Many people will make up stuff because they don't know what it says, and many will make up stuff because they wish it would not say what it says. You just have to read it for yourself. Read a chapter of Proverbs every day. Proverbs has 31 chapters so you can keep your place by just looking at a calendar. There is no religion or nothing in Proverbs and you don't have to believe anything. Just read to find wisdom. When you are comfortable with that, then read the bible from Romans to 2 Thessalonians over and over until you start to remember what it says. That is the part that applies to Christians. Here is a book to help you to understand the bible. It's a free download and you can get a hard copy at any bible book store. \"How To Enjoy The Bible\"

or:A number of thing happened at Jesus death. However you are asking for, how the details of the Tomb fulfilled scriptures. Here is one. (Isaiah 53:9) Says, \"And he was given a burial place with the wicked, And with the rich in his death, Although he had done no wrong And there was no deception in his mouth\".Matthew 27:57-60 (Fulfillment) \"Now as it was late in the afternoon, a rich man of Ar\u00b7i\u00b7ma\u00b7the\u02b9a came, named Joseph, who had also become a disciple of Jesus. 58 This man approached Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded that it be given to him. 59 Joseph took the body, wrapped it up in clean, fine linen, 60 and laid it in his new tomb, which he had quarried in the rock. And after rolling a big stone to the entrance of the tomb, he left. I know you knew this but, I wanted to share the correct info.Nice question.

or:The Gospel tells us at Mark 15:46, \"Jesus was wrapped and placed in the tomb that was quarried out of rock; then a stone was rolled up to the entrance of the tomb.\"Luke 24:1-3 tells us Jesus body was gone from the tomb. This fulfill the scripture at John 20:9, that he Jesus will rise from the dead.Acts 2:27, even Jesus himself fortold that, \"You will not leave me in the Grave, nor will you allow your loyal one to see corruption.\" This scripture was fulfill for at Matthew 28:8-10, Jesus himself appear to Mary and said go, report to my brothers so that they may go to Galilee, and there they will see me.So all these details of Jesus being place in a tomb and will be resurrected was fortold way in advance of Jesus death. The bible fortold at Acts 2:24, \"But God resurrected him (Jesus) by releasing him from the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held fast by it.\" So the question is where is the resurrected Jesus and what is he doing there? For these answers please contact me or visit our website at
