What make up suits me?

Hi, Im 17 and have recently gotten into make up more :) I find it hard finding make up that looks good on me, thats cheap enough (I only want drug sto

Hi, I'm 17 and have recently gotten into make up more :) I find it hard finding make up that looks good on me, thats cheap enough (I only want drug store brands-if you're going to recomend some).
I have dark brown hair, to just below my chin, I have brown eyes, I'm very pale and have normalish skin- I don't get spots or acne often :)
Thanks in advance for answering.

or:Hi, I'm 17 and have recently gotten into make up more :) I find it hard finding make up that looks good on me, thats cheap enough (I only want drug store brands-if you're going to recomend some). I have dark brown hair, to just below my chin, I have brown eyes, I'm very pale and have normalish skin- I don't get spots or acne often :)Thanks in advance for answering.

or:dove or olay, it's what my sister usually wears
