Left eye blurry+headaches in the morning?

I was using my phone and then my left eye was blurry and i get headaches in the morning.PLEASE HELP IM ONLY 12! or:I was using my phone and then my le

I was using my phone and then my left eye was blurry and i get headaches in the morning.PLEASE HELP IM ONLY 12!

or:I was using my phone and then my left eye was blurry and i get headaches in the morning.PLEASE HELP IM ONLY 12!

or:it was probably because you are using your phone alot. when you concentrate on small screen while your texting or playing games especially in the dark it puts alot of strain on your eyes. you should take a break for a while when your eyes start feeling tired or when your hands start getting sore while gaming or when your texting.

or:Go to the docter

or:maybe its just eye fatigue go tell it to your parents what you feel and see a doctor for a help
