Pregnant .hcg levels important?

Google - Im 3 weeks pregnant and my hcg levels are 2606 is that good? or:Google - I'm 3 weeks pregnant and my hcg levels are 2606 is that good?or:most

Google - I'm 3 weeks pregnant and my hcg levels are 2606 is that good?

or:Google - I'm 3 weeks pregnant and my hcg levels are 2606 is that good?

or:most hormone levels increase at the first signs of pregnancy and continue to rise throughout the 40 week journey hcg is different from the time your baby is conceived until 10 weeks of gestation your hcg levels rise rapidly doubling every two to three days but then the levels begin to fall through out the pregnancy it picks up speed moving into the 25,000 to 50,000 range when it gets to 100,000 it turns around and goes down for the rest of young hcg levels will likely remain at 10,000
