I've liked a friend for 2years but I'm not his type and I can't get over him but I don't get why?

Its really difficult because I asked him out and although he said no hes still a really good friend to me... I dont obsess over guys and I dont chase

It's really difficult because I asked him out and although he said no he's still a really good friend to me... I don't obsess over guys and I don't chase them but I just can't get over him- even though I've been happy with other guys it's so difficult to understand why!

or:It's really difficult because I asked him out and although he said no he's still a really good friend to me... I don't obsess over guys and I don't chase them but I just can't get over him- even though I've been happy with other guys it's so difficult to understand why!

or:You have to act like your too good for him. Get dressed up all the time when your around him and act like you got something better to do. Act really busy and important and figure out what is his type. Once you find out his type, you'll know what to do from their. ;) good luck
