Name of star or system that exploded and formed our solar system?

If you are going with the theory that everything is made of stardust, with which I agree 100%. Is it known what was the name of that big supernova end

If you are going with the theory that everything is made of stardust, with which I agree 100%. Is it known what was the name of that big supernova ending star or system? Is there any name given to that? Or did the current solar system form over a couple stars?

or:If you are going with the theory that everything is made of stardust, with which I agree 100%. Is it known what was the name of that big supernova ending star or system? Is there any name given to that? Or did the current solar system form over a couple stars?

or:As no one was around to witness the formation of our star and system of planets no one can say what it was initially formed from let alone give it a name. It may have been material left over from a previous stellar collapse or simply formed as a condensation effect from available material already extant. We can only guess at the answer and make an informed judgement based on what we observe happening in other places in the universe.
