My long term boyfriend is constantly on his phone, and sometimes on hookup sites!?

Normally, cheating behavior like this and I would break it off right away. But heres the clincher. He is the closest I have ever gotten to an ideal

Normally, cheating behavior like this and I would break it off right away. But here's the clincher. He is the closest I have ever gotten to an ideal man. Things that are HARD to find. Plus, dating for me isn't easy in the first place. I would rate myself as a 4-5 in a 1 to 10 scale where 10 is a knockout model. Not putting myself down, just being real. I have come to face the hard truth that men have no desire to get to know you if you are not physically attractive. On top of it all, I am socially awkward as hell. Once people get to know me, they love me and they find out how fun and quirky I am. But.. It takes a lot of work. So what would you do in my place? Live a long lonely life, or live with the shame of a cheater?

or:Normally, cheating behavior like this and I would break it off right away. But here's the clincher. He is the closest I have ever gotten to an ideal man. Things that are HARD to find. Plus, dating for me isn't easy in the first place. I would rate myself as a 4-5 in a 1 to 10 scale where 10 is a knockout model. Not putting myself down, just being real. I have come to face the hard truth that men have no desire to get to know you if you are not physically attractive. On top of it all, I am socially awkward as hell. Once people get to know me, they love me and they find out how fun and quirky I am. But.. It takes a lot of work. So what would you do in my place? Live a long lonely life, or live with the shame of a cheater?

or:I see where you're coming from because I can relate to what you're going through. I'm still with the guy and he isn't on those sites anymore, but that's only cause we talked about it and he thought that I was doing the same. But I really wasn't. Before you do anything rash, I suggest talking to him about it and seeing where in the relationship you guys actually are. If you do talk and he explains his feelings as do you (I do know how difficult it is for people, boys in particular, to express their emotions and stuff but they've just gotta man up really) and if he says he'll stop all should go well and he'll keep his word if he truly wants to be with you. If he says he'll stop and he keeps doing it or he just wont stop anyways, dump his ass. Trust me when I say you'll find someone better, you've just gotta remember and keep your head held high. especially around him. Or you could consider the single life, which can be fun. I stayed single for about 3 years then I found the man of my dreams.. Okie I'm gonna stop, I don't wanna mush over here cause mushing sucks. But yea, just talk to him about it and try to see where you both are at in the relationship. If it doesn't work, no biggie, you'll be able to find another man if you choose to. At least i hope so. I'm psychotic, not psychic.. hope this helps in some way! :)

or:You should always try to talk first. I have dumped lots of women because they would never say anything good or bad.You don't need \"an ideal man\". You need a reliable man. The one thing the world demands of a man is to be reliable. You demand it too.The world does not demand that a woman be a knockout model. If you give your attention to a man, you are beautiful to that man. One man is all you need: one reliable man. When you find him, tell him how you feel. Tell him often.
