Is 17 years old a good age to talk about politics?

In Greece voting age was changed from 18 to 17 lately. But I feel thats too young and older people dont really get teenagers serious when it comes to

In Greece voting age was changed from 18 to 17 lately. But I feel that's too young and older people don't really get teenagers serious when it comes to these matters. I mean I wouldn't too. But should a 17-year-old teen express himself or just sit back and observe others' opinions for now?

or:In Greece voting age was changed from 18 to 17 lately. But I feel that's too young and older people don't really get teenagers serious when it comes to these matters. I mean I wouldn't too. But should a 17-year-old teen express himself or just sit back and observe others' opinions for now?

or:There really is no better age to get in touch with how politics work. I mean, think of how you want your country to be like in 10, 20 years when you're directly affected by the politics. Inform yourself, talk to people regarding their experiences, to your parents. If now is not the time to talk about politics, when is? There are people of all age groups who aren't exactly qualified to talk about politics. Ignorant people, lazy people, stubborn people who refuse change and other opinions. But the fact that you even bothered to ask this question PROVES you're not ignorant, not lazy, and not stubborn. You're willing to learn, to inform yourself.So YES, 17 is definitely a good age to talk about politics. :)
