How much do the paper & plastic industries make every year?

or:How much do the paper & plastic industries make every year?or:Do you read your question after you have typed it? You really should check to be sur

or:How much do the paper & plastic industries make every year?

or:Do you read your question after you have typed it? You really should check to be sure you said what you meant to say, and that you correctly typed everything, and most important, does it mean the same when someone reads it as you thought it meant when you typed it? A person reading your question first thinks \"How much what?\" Then they think \"Everything in the world is paper and plastic, what are you really talking about?\" Then they might wonder \"How am I supposed to know any such thing?\" You should consider all these things and word your question so it can get a straight answer.

or:Millions for sure. Did you know plastics come from oil. In certain areas about a hundred miles from me. Their getting rid of plastic bags & plastic cups, but if they keep going. I wonder when their going to get rid of those little plastic cars their making now. Mike
