Consider the following portion of the program which implements dynamically allocated Stack of BOOK.?

... Write the definition of the member functions to insert new information about a book into the stack and to Display the information of the book.

... Write the definition of the member functions to insert new information about a book into the stack and to Display the information of the book.
struct node
{ int book_id ; char book_name[20]; node *link; };
class BOOK
{ node *TOP ;
public : BOOK() { TOP=NULL; } void PUSH(); void DISP();
void POP();
~BOOK() { cout<< \n No Records Found }

or:... Write the definition of the member functions to insert new information about a book into the stack and to Display the information of the book. struct node { int book_id ; char book_name[20]; node *link; }; class BOOK { node *TOP ; public : BOOK() { TOP=NULL; } void PUSH(); void DISP(); void POP(); ~BOOK() { cout<< \ No Records Found } };
