Is there any scientific, peer reviewed research that proves that GMOs are harmful?

Everywhere I look, I keep seeing the label:" Non GMO". Why? Are gmos really harmful? If so, where is the research proving that harm? Are any and all G

Everywhere I look, I keep seeing the label:" Non GMO". Why? Are gmos really harmful? If so, where is the research proving that harm? Are any and all GMOs harmful?

or:Everywhere I look, I keep seeing the label:\" Non GMO\". Why? Are gmos really harmful? If so, where is the research proving that harm? Are any and all GMOs harmful?

or:Science is not a tool for discovering tautologies. It's a method of collecting theories, observations, statistically significant conclusions in a slightly more reliable format. The inclusion and weighing of any component are still up in the air, so controversy is abundant until the harm is definitive on a large scale. Especially because science is still biased, being conducted by human researchers, and corporations are most averse to giving up their profit.Besides, ultimately laymen don't care about science. Just as you've made up your mind before taking 5 minutes to search and read the first article on a hot topic, so do others make up their minds based on intuition and rumor, not science. And for that sake is the label \"non gmo\". Because popular labels have long proven to boost sales regardless of necessity. You wanna tell people their lifestyle choices are meaningless, good luck with that.
