What is the meaning of the parents are genotypically BO?

Both my parents have got b+ blood groups but I have got O+, the reason I heard is that they both are genotypically OB. What is the meaning of this ter

Both my parents have got b+ blood groups but I have got O+, the reason I heard is that they both are genotypically OB. What is the meaning of this term genotypically BO?

or:Both my parents have got b+ blood groups but I have got O+, the reason I heard is that they both are genotypically OB. What is the meaning of this term genotypically BO?

or:If one have b group there are two possibilites,bo or bb.your parents both have bo.bo parents can have a bb or o(oo) child.If your both parents are bb then the child will be b(bb).suppose one parent is bo and another bb then the child will be bb or bo.
