More likely one to be the father?!?

... 21st of Oct, which he pulled out and ejectulated on me which I put back inside me, which I am trying to figure out who is more likely he father,

... 21st of Oct, which he pulled out and ejectulated on me which I put back inside me, which I am trying to figure out who is more likely he father, first day of period- Oct 12, 2014, probable date of ovulation Oct 26, 2014, possible dates of conception- Oct 22-30, 2014, and my due date is July 19, 2015 , and am right on track with the measurements of the baby , just wondering who would more likely be the father?

or:... 21st of Oct, which he pulled out and ejectulated on me which I put back inside me, which I am trying to figure out who is more likely he father, first day of period- Oct 12, 2014, probable date of ovulation Oct 26, 2014, possible dates of conception- Oct 22-30, 2014, and my due date is July 19, 2015 , and am right on track with the measurements of the baby , just wondering who would more likely be the father?

or:15 ......15 god damm dollars .... Just to avoid this bs.... Go to a medical ans tell them to cjeck who the father is they will knpw through dna tests :) be caurefull next time... Good luck
