White spray or day to make my skin white?

I do a Joker cosplay. As you may know, his skin is pale white. Is there a spray or dye I could use? I normally use make up, but it gets on everything

I do a Joker cosplay. As you may know, his skin is pale white. Is there a spray or dye I could use? I normally use make up, but it gets on everything and doesn't last all day. Please help!

or:I do a Joker cosplay. As you may know, his skin is pale white. Is there a spray or dye I could use? I normally use make up, but it gets on everything and doesn't last all day. Please help!

or:You need to use makeup. Sprays and dyes are dangerous. Just keep reapplying every few hours. I know it's a pain, but it's better than harming your skin.
