Forgot login administrator password on broken laptop?

I am in big trouble. Okay so my old laptop screen is broken but I managed to use my desktop monitor as another screen. After 4 years I learned that, p

I am in big trouble. Okay so my old laptop screen is broken but I managed to use my desktop monitor as another screen. After 4 years I learned that, pretty late. So now I forgot my login password and I'm the adminstrator to the computer. How can I possibly delete the password? Thanks in advance!

or:I am in big trouble. Okay so my old laptop screen is broken but I managed to use my desktop monitor as another screen. After 4 years I learned that, pretty late. So now I forgot my login password and I'm the adminstrator to the computer. How can I possibly delete the password? Thanks in advance!

or:There are ways of breaking passwords quite easily (if you have the experience). If not, I'd recommend taking it to an IT specialist. If your laptop is encrypted as well as password-protected, this will be more difficult.
