Feet problem?

I’m 86 years old and suddenly last month when I walk about 50 feet my feet gets seriously tried and I can’t continue and have to sit. Anyo

I’m 86 years old and suddenly last month when I walk about 50 feet my feet gets seriously tried and I can’t continue and have to sit. Anyone with the same problem or can anyone help?

or:I\u2019m 86 years old and suddenly last month when I walk about 50 feet my feet gets seriously tried and I can\u2019t continue and have to sit. Anyone with the same problem or can anyone help?

or:The best thing to do in any situation like this is to go see a doctor.

or:That might be several things, but they all amount to \"clogged artery\". Not enough blood getting through. As far as I know, surgery is the only option.
