My betta fish completely changed color, is something wrong?

My betta fish, Edmond, was small when I got him. He is a dragon scale male. He was all white with almost clear fins and different black and blue spots

My betta fish, Edmond, was small when I got him. He is a dragon scale male. He was all white with almost clear fins and different black and blue spots. After about 2 weeks he was half blue and half white. Now he is all blue with black stripes in his fins. He lives in a 1.5 gallon tank with a filter. I put in a ph balancer and stuff weekly. I do monthly water changes. I still need to get a heater. He is plenty active and eats all his food and is mostly laid back and non aggressive. He is much bigger now with fuller fins. So is the color change just age or what?

or:My betta fish, Edmond, was small when I got him. He is a dragon scale male. He was all white with almost clear fins and different black and blue spots. After about 2 weeks he was half blue and half white. Now he is all blue with black stripes in his fins. He lives in a 1.5 gallon tank with a filter. I put in a ph balancer and stuff weekly. I do monthly water changes. I still need to get a heater. He is plenty active and eats all his food and is mostly laid back and non aggressive. He is much bigger now with fuller fins. So is the color change just age or what?

or:Try changing the water in the tank more often

or:Betas change colors for 3 different reasons,stress,illness,or age.if you think it is sick,go to your nearest pet store and get sick betta water treatment.but like you said it is probably only age.How long have you had him
