Google - I am an american with a polish fiance. Looking to get married soon?

She wants to come to the US after we get married. Im just looking for someone who has done this recently so I can ask a few more specific question abo

She wants to come to the US after we get married. Im just looking for someone who has done this recently so I can ask a few more specific question about how you handled the logistics of the wedding/weddings and so on.

or:She wants to come to the US after we get married. Im just looking for someone who has done this recently so I can ask a few more specific question about how you handled the logistics of the wedding/weddings and so on.

or:you know each state has their own laws concerning getting married and i would find out what inner national weddings are for your american laws and the laws that other states have logistics so you should get ahold of poland and see if there is anything you need to do
