I really want to get a dog. I've done everything to convince my parents, but none worked.. Help!!!!!

or:I really want to get a dog. Ive done everything to convince my parents, but none worked.. Help!!!!!or:Some things to consider.How long have you be

or:I really want to get a dog. I've done everything to convince my parents, but none worked.. Help!!!!!

or:Some things to consider.How long have you been nagging?Have you asked why you can't get a dog?Whats your climate like? Some dogs don't do very well in the heat.How old are you? Your parents might not think you are responsible enough for a dog.What is your house like? Most dogs require a big backyard. But small dogs are fine in a small yard.Do you have very young siblings? A dog can hurt them accidentally.Can you afford one? Dogs can get pretty expensive with vet bills, food, kennels(if you cant take a dog on a trip),grooming, toys. If you are old enough you could get a job.Is someone allergic to dogs? If so poodles are a good option because they don't molt but require grooming often.Maybe wait a few years. You never know a puppy could be coming your way for Christmas.Please if you do get a dog try to adopt. And remember a dog is a lifetime(of the dog) commitment and you can't just shove it under your bed when you are sick of it.Hope you do get a dog or even a cat.Best of luck,Beckey
