Where can I find videos online of hot girls being grossed out?

Sorry if that offends you, but too bad. I want to know. Anyone? Any good sites? Online videos? Possibly involving pranks or tricks or challenges or wh

Sorry if that offends you, but too bad. I want to know. Anyone? Any good sites? Online videos? Possibly involving pranks or tricks or challenges or whatever just tell me where I can find good videos of a hot girl touching something gross unintentionally and preferably freaking out to some extent. It could be much more, but good ones may involve gum, mud, glue, or other sticky substances. I guess it could even be from a tv show, as long as a clip of it is acessible for free online. Or if you could make a video and show it to me that would be awesome. But at least tell me where I can find a good one online. And no, I am not talking about any kind of porn or sexual footage at all. Just messing around with hot girls as mentioned earlier.This may sound strange but it would be much obliged. Thanks so much!

or:Sorry if that offends you, but too bad. I want to know. Anyone? Any good sites? Online videos? Possibly involving pranks or tricks or challenges or whatever just tell me where I can find good videos of a hot girl touching something gross unintentionally and preferably freaking out to some extent. It could be much more, but good ones may involve gum, mud, glue, or other sticky substances. I guess it could even be from a tv show, as long as a clip of it is acessible for free online. Or if you could make a video and show it to me that would be awesome. But at least tell me where I can find a good one online. And no, I am not talking about any kind of porn or sexual footage at all. Just messing around with hot girls as mentioned earlier.This may sound strange but it would be much obliged. Thanks so much!

or:Are you sure about that? Y hot girls?! That is a strange hobby. Just look it up on youtube I'm sure that you'll find something...

or:i'm sure that youtube will help u

or:Oh i can can personally help you with that, i can touch as many disgusting things as needed ;)
