Caffeine and energy suppliments?

Whenever I intake a product with caffeine (coffee, energy drinks etc) or an energy tablet. Instead of getting the energy boost, every time I end up fa

Whenever I intake a product with caffeine (coffee, energy drinks etc) or an energy tablet. Instead of getting the energy boost, every time I end up falling asleep 20 - 30 minutes later, no fault. And I am seriously confused by this because I have no idea why this is happening. Is it because of a different chemical reaction or some other thing?

or:Whenever I intake a product with caffeine (coffee, energy drinks etc) or an energy tablet. Instead of getting the energy boost, every time I end up falling asleep 20 - 30 minutes later, no fault. And I am seriously confused by this because I have no idea why this is happening. Is it because of a different chemical reaction or some other thing?

or:Caffeine makes some people sleepy. It tends to be younger people. At some age the effect might switch to wakefulness. Not always, and there is no specific age when that happens.In any case, those things sometimes overstimulate people and they get heart problems, maybe even die.
