Is there a way to prevent YouTube from sending video packets and only send Audio packets?

Hello, Im a young collage student living off a very sparse budget. I was wonder if there was a way to stop YouTube from sending Video packets and only

Hello, I'm a young collage student living off a very sparse budget. I was wonder if there was a way to stop YouTube from sending Video packets and only send Audio packets through my ISP. I have a very limited and costly internet connection but I like to listen to Videos from my favorite YouTubers when I go to bed each night. Is there a way to do this in hopes of lightening up my internet bills each month? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

or:Hello, I'm a young collage student living off a very sparse budget. I was wonder if there was a way to stop YouTube from sending Video packets and only send Audio packets through my ISP. I have a very limited and costly internet connection but I like to listen to Videos from my favorite YouTubers when I go to bed each night. Is there a way to do this in hopes of lightening up my internet bills each month? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. site takes longer to convert a file than it takes to play it, but at least you don't pay for bandwidth. is a program that will download and convert a video to mp3 much faster than the first one. You can use it at a WiFi hotspot so you don't have to pay for the connection.
