Is it normal to view your marriage as an "assignment from God " that must be fulfilled? Do you?

... think it would make love better or worse? or:... think it would make love better or worse?or:The answer depends on whether you are male or femal

... think it would make love better or worse?

or:... think it would make love better or worse?

or:The answer depends on whether you are male or female. Marriage was defined thousands of years ago. The only thing you need to learn is how your daddy and mommy treated each other.

or:Marriage is a divine institution, authorized and established by Jehovah in Eden. Marriage brings into being the family unit, the family circle. Its basic purpose was the reproducing of the members of the human family, to bring into existence more creatures of the human kind. When you make your vows before God, he expects you and your wife to live up to them. Marriage is a permanent arrangement, 'til death'. Since God hates a divorcing, he expects you both to make your marriage work. He provided Bible principles as

or:The marriage arrangement is a Gift from the Creator.This gift and blessing of marriage is also an evidence of God\u2019s impartiality and of his justice. In that these joys of marriage, when God is in it, do not depend upon such mundane things as material wealth, a higher education, great physical strength or beauty of form and feature. Neither are marital blessings limited to any race or nationality, nor are they dependent upon any climate. Whether couples live in the polar regions or in the tropics makes no difference. The Bible gives us instructions on the marriage and divorce.Solomon wrote: \u201cTwo are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work. .\u00a0.\u00a0. And a threefold cord cannot quickly be torn in two.\u201d (Eccl. 4:9,\u00a012) A marriage can be likened to a cord tying a couple together and, when we let God be in it, it is truly a \u2018threefold cord not easily torn in two.\u2019 For more information on this subject and others, please go to \"Online Library\" Also for free downloads, publications or read online. See the book \" The Secret of Family Happiness.\"

or:This gift and blessing of marriage is also an evidence of God\u2019s impartiality and of his justice. How so? In that these joys of marriage, when God is in it, do not depend upon such mundane things as material wealth, a higher education, great physical strength or beauty of form and feature. Neither are marital blessings limited to any race or nationality, nor are they dependent upon any climate. Whether couples live in the polar regions or in the tropics makes no difference.
